Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeThe Forgotten MelodyThe melody lingered as good melodies tend to do. I’m certain that I had never heard it before, nor sadly, since.Jun 27Jun 27
Dan PostinDeconstructing ChristianityWhere Do Atheists Go When We Die?How can we ask that question? How can we not? No, this is not about a “Come to Jesus” moment. It’s just a small part of the search for home…May 232May 232
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeRuminations Upon A TombstoneThe name, another name, and a couple of dates.May 5May 5
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeTin-Pot Dictator Update“The Tin-Pot Dictator” was originally published on June 2 of 2020 in “Affirmed”. Since that time much, and little has changed. The article…Apr 27Apr 27
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeTime Traveler Successfully Alters HistoryA minor rumination on the consequences of successful time travel.Apr 26Apr 26
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeThe Rusty KeyEvery old home has its hidden treasures; unexplored nooks and crannies teaming with surprise or, at the very least, dead mice.Apr 24Apr 24
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeForgotten Melodies and an Empty HallThe title is the writing prompt. The story is fiction. On the other hand it was inspired by the prompt. In truth the melody was never…Apr 18Apr 18
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeA Brush with Greatness DeniedThe Beatles Live, In Concert, Philadelphia 1966, Yeah, Yeah, Maybe NotAug 17, 20231Aug 17, 20231
Dan PostinThe Gnarly Tree104 — Think for YourselfTake a slightly above average song, throw in some harmonic touches that would make The Beach Boys jealous and tie it all together with a…May 23, 2023May 23, 2023
Dan PostinThe Gnarly TreeThe Idiot SonIt has often been assumed that the Grimm Brothers recorded their tales with a lofty moral in mind. However, The Idiot Son doesn’t appear to…May 20, 2023May 20, 2023